One of the strategic objectives for the period 2015-2020 speaks to strengthening our business model through diversification of our examinations portfolio, segment profile and geographic markets. This section of the report, provides information on activities and initiatives undertaken by divisions in 2017 aimed at accomplishing this objective.

Examinations Administration and Security

In keeping with the strategic objectives, the Examinations Administration and Security Division (EAS) focused on activities to strengthen the product offering, reduce the costs of operations in the delivery of services to our stakeholders and contribute to the overall improvement of the Council’s operation.

Support for the expansion of product offerings continued with the management of the Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and Guyana national examinations. In keeping with the organization’s plan to acquire ISO 9001 certifications, the division continued its work on process reform. With the assistance of the Quality Officer and Business Analyst, processes in the division were reviewed, standardized and performance metrics redefined. The new metrics were identified to facilitate improved operational improvement and monitoring and thus better positions the organization to attract new business opportunities.

Future Look
Going into 2018, the thrust to improve operations using appropriate technology and process reform will continue. With the expansion of the e-testing modality to Paper 2s, there will be greater flexibility in delivery, improved security and greater operational efficiency. Further, CXC is expected to have the added capability of Offline test delivery to reach those centres where Internet services are not reliable.

Improved planning and standard operating procedures will support improved internal operations. Along with better recruitment, trained Examining Committees and Markers, improved reliability is expected in 2018 and beyond.

Corporate Strategy and Business Development

Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) signed a contract on 25 September 2017 to strengthen the Curriculum Standards and the Assessment Framework of the OECS. The project seeks to improve the academic level of Grade K – six (6) pupils and implement common core learning standards and assessment frameworks in the OECS education system.

Information Systems Division

The strategic vision of the organisation is fully embraced by the Information Systems Division as it continues to support the core businesses of CXC. As the Council continues to chart the course towards electronic testing (e-testing), the division has been tasked with ensuring the security of the systems that are implemented and the seamless transfer of data across those systems and other applications within the organisation.

Continuous improvement is one of the corner stones of this division. The electronic SBA (e-SBA) was initially deployed last year to facilitate the uploading of SBA files, but it has further enveloped the concept of group work and the submission of scores and files on a group basis. The implementation did not occur as smoothly as was anticipated, nonetheless, the cornerstone of improvement was evident as we sought to enhance the user experience and rectify the issues. As we review our systems, it is important to look beyond the immediate and grasp the possibilities which may occur within the future. The e-SBA and e-testing systems bring with them digital transformation which is required for the era in which the Council exists.
Access to data and information is yet another pillar within this Division. This digital age promotes the sharing of data and thus we created the platform for the sharing of our information across our many systems within the organisation. This year the Council launched its mobile app, which also transferred the candidates’ examination results from one of the systems set up for data sharing. The goal is for institutions to be able to pull similar information in a like manner from that platform as well. It is important to stress that while the division strives to provide access to information, we will endeavour to provide systems that are secure and reliable.

In the third quarter of the year, the unified conference system was upgraded throughout the organisation. The expectation is that the upgrade should improve conferencing quality with internal and external stakeholders. In addition, various business owned specialise systems were upgraded to ensure improved functionality. One of the future benefits to be realised from the conferencing upgrade is that our stakeholders will possibly be able to communicate with CXC with little or no long distance charges applied. We continue to work towards that objective as we provide a medium by which CXC is accessible to its customers.

CXC is considered an IT-intelligent organisation. Technology is interwoven into most if not all of the business processes. For that reason, staff identified within the division have attended cyber security training, and have delivered security and other pertinent training to fellow colleagues. It is important that we keep ourselves current and are aware of the threats that lurks within this digital world. It is also important that all employees become aware of possible threats and how to identify those threats.

Finally, the quest to improve our IT service delivery has been paramount and we continue to do this by rolling out and promoting our IT Service Portal, which provides users with a self-help knowledge base and easy to use templates to create their request.

As we reflect on this year’s challenges and successes, we look forward, attempting to improve our service delivery and, provide secure, reliable and available systems to meet and exceed stakeholders’ expectations.

Examinations Development and Production Division

The Division is responsible for developing and preparing examination papers for CXC programmes, and other programmes that CXC is contracted by other organizations to develop and/or administer.

In 2017, the Division developed the following examination papers:

CAPE – 199 papers for _35__ subjects
CSEC® (Jan) – __36_ papers for 13 subjects
CSEC® (May/June) _90__ papers for __33_ subjects
CCSLC – _10__ papers for _7__ subjects
CPEA – _7_ papers for _4__ subjects

Caribbean Examinations Council © 2017. Copyright protected and may not be reproduced without written consent. The CXC “logo”, Caribbean Examinations Council®, Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination®, Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate®, Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence®, Caribbean Vocational Qualification®, CXC®, CSEC®, CAPE®, CCSLC® and CVQ® are registered trade marks of the Caribbean Examinations Council. They may only be used in accordance with established usage guidelines as outlined in the Council’s Intellectual Property Policy. The Council reserves the right to object to unfair uses, infringements, unauthorised use or other violations of its intellectual property rights.