Media Appearances

During the year under review, CXC benefited from several media appearances as well as interviews given by CXC officials. The Council enjoyed mostly positive reportage in the media with the exception of the SBA issue which was again raised by the teachers’ union in Barbados and issues surrounding the delay in the release of May/June examinations results.


January 23
CXC hosted a press conference along with Honourable Ronald Jones to announce the successful roll-out of e-testing

April 26
Cleveland Sam along with Ms Flora Cumberbatch of the Ministry of Education, Guyana were guests on Guyana Today to speak about the CXC Private Centres programme and changes to examinations

July 24
Stephen Savoury and Ayodele Pompey were guests on Mornin’ Barbados to speak about the CXC Connect App

July 26
Stephen Savoury and Cleveland Sam were guests on CNC3 morning programme to speak about the CXC Connect App

Stephen Savoury and Cleveland Sam were guests on Talkcity FM radio station in Trinidad and Tobago to speak about the CXC App

Stephen Savoury and Cleveland Sam gave a recorded interview on television station CNMG’s Good Morning TNT to speak about the CXC App

July 31
Cleveland Sam and Ayodele Pompey were guests on NCN’s Guyana Today to speak on the CXC Connect App.

Stephen Savoury was a guest on Radio 94.1 in Guyana to speak about the CXC App. See video of interview using this link:

August 4
Stephen Savoury was a guest on Nationwide radio current affairs programme speaking about marking

August 14
CXC hosted a press conference to announce the 2017 May/June results Registrar, Glenroy Cumberbatch gave an interview to CBC television about the results

August 19
Cleveland Sam gave interviews to the Nation and Barbados Advocate newspapers and Starcom Network and CBC television at the workshop for parents and third formers at UWI Cave Hill Campus

August 24
Cleveland Sam and Dr Yvonne Weekes gave interviews to the media at the opening of the two-day CAPE® Performing Arts Workshop hosted at EBCCI

Cleveland Sam gave an interview to the Nation newspaper about candidates who were ungraded.

August 25
Cleveland Sam gave an interview to the Nation newspaper about candidates who were ungraded.

August 29
Cleveland Sam gave an interview to Newsday newspaper about candidates’ change of grades

September 5
Cleveland Sam gave an interview to the Trinidad Express newspaper about CXC system being hacked

September 7
Cleveland Sam gave an interview to The Trinidad Guardian newspaper about change of grades.

September 11
Cleveland Sam gave an interview to the Trinidad Express newspaper about change of grades.

Let’s Talk

The programme Let’s Talk was introduced in 2017 as another communication channel for reaching stakeholders. The monthly 10-12 minute programme is either recorded or broadcast live on livestream and Facebook. The programme features one of two guests speaking about a specific topic that impacts stakeholders.

In 2017, at least one programme was produced each month.
See links to some episodes of Let’s Talk:

Region Talk

Region Talk is a production of UWITV, based at the Cave Hill Campus. Coming out of discussions with the Marketing Office at the Cave Hill Campus, it was agreed that CXC will be given a periodic slot to host its own Region Talk programme. Several programmes were produced starting in June.

See links to some episodes:

Press Releases

During the year under review, CXC issued several press releases and statements to the media. They included the following:

  • 15 January CXC Pay Tribute to Dr Desmond Broomes
  • 3 March Performance in Science Subjects Improves in January Sitting
  • 15 March Clarification on SBA word limit
  • 21 March Tribute to Faye Saunders
  • 17 May Statement on May/June Examinations Administration 2017
  • 17 June CXC Meeting with Tertiary Institutions
  • 23 June Jamaican Pupil Writes Her Way to the Top
  • 28 June CXC Hosting Big Data Capacity-Building Workshop
  • 25 July CXC Launching Mobile App
  • 10 August Message to stakeholders – delayed release of results
  • 11 August PSA re parents and students workshop
  • 29 August The revised policy for grade reviews/queries
  • 31 August Portuguese First Sitting Shows Promise
  • 4 Sept. Improved Performance on CAPE® 2017
  • 5 Sept. Response to Concerns about Grade Changes
  • October CAPE® Regional Top Award
  • October CSEC® Regional Top Award
  • November St Kitts and Nevis to Host Council Meeting

During the year under review, the Council received significant media coverage. The coverage was mostly positive, with the exception of the period April/May when there was some negative press, particularly in Barbados regarding the SBA issue. Additional negative press came about in the latter part of August following the release of results late and then the amendments of some grades.

CXC, CAPE® results out



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