This year was a red letter year for CXC. It is the year when e-testing was introduced. This was a bold and courageous initiative by CXC. E-testing was introduced in the January CSEC® sitting and rolled out in the May/June sitting for CCSLC, CSEC® and CAPE.

Commendation is in order for the territories who have embraced this new paradigm and CXC will continue to work with other territories to assist them to come on board.

During the year under review, CXC has moved closer to total electronic marking. With the exception of Art and Design (CAPE), Technical Drawing, and Visual Arts (CSEC®), all other subjects for both CAPE® and CSEC® were marked electronically. There continues to be a challenge with attracting qualified markers for some key subjects, but CXC will double its efforts to attract an adequate quota of markers for each subject.

The launch of the CXC Connect Mobile App was a major initiative in 2017. This is the first App launched by CXC and is aimed at improving CXC’s communication and interaction with stakeholders. The App provides several functionalities that will bring CXC closer to its stakeholders and provide information at their fingertips.

The Expressive Arts subjects are important offerings and as such CXC was delighted to partner with the Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination at The UWI Cave Hill Campus to host a two-day CAPE® Performing Arts workshop during CARIFESTA XIII in Barbados. The overwhelming response by performing arts teachers from across the region to the workshop justified the investment. Teachers left the workshop feeling better equipped to deliver the Performing Arts syllabus in their respective territories, and with an expanded network of fellow practitioners.

In another major CXC/UWI collaboration, CXC has benefitted from the launch of UWITV. UWITV has granted CXC one one-hour Region Talk programme per month starting in June to promote the work of the Council. The programmes are aired on CMC/Caribvision channels across the region and the East coast of the United States.

Launch Video

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