Digital continues to be the channel of choice for the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) to reach, connect and engage its stakeholders. In 2017, CXC has utilised the widest array of digital channels in its forty-four-year history. This years’ activity includes the launch of CXC Connect, our mobile communication application. CXC now leverages SEO, website, social media, mobile, e-mail, live streaming, webinars, PPC, display advertising and an Intranet to reach over 500,000 stakeholders per month.

The CXC Website ( is our most critical digital channel. Our stakeholders depend on it for up-to-date resources, news and information. This year, our website sessions have increased by 63%, users have increased by 36 per cent and hits by 40 per cent. This massive increase can be attributed to increased creation of high quality content, including the monthly communications bulletins, our Let’s Talk series video series produced by PICS; and the fact that for the first time, candidates were able to check their results on our website. The website is currently being re-developed.

Organic search reflects the dominant referral source for CXC’s content. It accounts for 60 per cent of our traffic. As a result, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has played a crucial role in ensuring that our stakeholders have a smooth experience finding the information they need in a timely and efficient manner.

CXC launched its first mobile app called CXC Connect in July 2017. CXC Connect was designed to improve stakeholder satisfaction by enhancing communication between CXC and its stakeholders. The app has recorded over 35,000 installs.

Annually, CXC reaches in excess of 5.5 million stakeholders online. Research showed that approximately 60 per cent of that traffic is via mobile and tablet up from 30 per cent two years prior. Mobile engagement had increased and CXC needed to respond appropriately. Stakeholders can now download the app on the Apple Store or the Google play store.
CXC Connect has five main features. The home screen of the app is a newsfeed that pulls content from the corporate website and social media. Users can share the items on the newsfeed with friends and family on Facebook, WhatsApp, email and more. There is a library of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) organized into categories. Users of the app can either browse the FAQs by searching or using the categories.

One of the most widely used features of the app is the chat feature. This feature allows the app users to initiate a conversation in real time with CXC. Users can attach documents, screen shots or send a voice note just as they would on WhatsApp. At the time of writing, over two thousand conversations were conducted.

Stakeholders can now keep up to date with our events on the app. They can view the location and times of the events and add these events to the native calendar app on the device to ensure that they do not miss important events.

Students were especially excited about the ability to check their results using the mobile app. For the first time in 2017, students were able to check their results on their mobile device.

For everyone, signing up through Facebook, Google or their personal email is simple and straightforward. This provides all app users with the ability to quickly share news and details about exciting events related to CXC across their Facebook status, Twitter feed, Instagram updates or any of their social media choices.

The app was first publicly launched in Barbados on 26 July 2017 at Sky Mall, Haggatt Hall, St Michael. The official ceremony saw remarks being shared by CXC’s Director of Operation Mr Stephen Savoury, Mr Gabriel Abed and Honourable Ronald Jones. Honourable Ronald Jones, Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation in Barbados, delivered the key note address, in which he congratulated CXC on launching the new App and noted CXC’s progress in incorporating modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in its processes. Gabriel Abed, Co-founder of Bitt Inc. was the guest speaker. Mr Ayodele Pompey, Webmaster and mastermind behind CXC Connect provided the audience with a demonstration of the app.

The app was then launched in Guyana on 31 July 2017 at the Giftland Mall. Honourable Nicolette Henry, Minister of Education in Guyana delivered the key note address while Ms Jennifer Britton, Deputy Programme Manager, ICT for Development, CARICOM was the guest speaker. Stephen Savoury, Director of Operations gave remarks and Ayodele Pompey, Webmaster gave a demonstration of the App.

Social media is our interactive community platform catering to a wide cross section of our stakeholder base. We share all updates, videos, webinars, information from partner agencies and educational and inspirational content on our platforms. Facebook is our most engaging platform enjoying upwards of 15 per cent engagement rate and reaching a monthly average of 170,000 people. Facebook audience has grown by three per cent. Twitter has increased in engagement and has been integrated with CXC Connect Our users have watched the equivalent of 190 days of video content on YouTube.

There has also been significant collaboration with Marketing and by extension Examination Services. All digital marketing components of the “You’re in control” campaign was implemented with significant assistance by the Webmaster. This included social media advertising, display advertising, PPC, and search advertising. A landing page and e-testing microsite has also been developed.


Caribbean Examinations Council © 2017. Copyright protected and may not be reproduced without written consent. The CXC “logo”, Caribbean Examinations Council®, Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination®, Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate®, Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence®, Caribbean Vocational Qualification®, CXC®, CSEC®, CAPE®, CCSLC® and CVQ® are registered trade marks of the Caribbean Examinations Council. They may only be used in accordance with established usage guidelines as outlined in the Council’s Intellectual Property Policy. The Council reserves the right to object to unfair uses, infringements, unauthorised use or other violations of its intellectual property rights.