To ensure CCSLC has parity of esteem and to bring it in line with the other qualifications, Council approved a proposal to offer two regional top awards for CCSLC starting in 2016. The awards are for the most outstanding male and most outstanding female candidate at CCSLC.

The recipients of the award for the Most Outstanding male in 2017 is Tereque Raeburn of Presentation College, Grenada, while the Most Outstanding female is Kadeema Blanchette of Basseterre High School, St Kitts and Nevis.

Tereque achieved Mastery in CCSLC English and Mathematics, Grade I in CSEC® Information Technology and Physical Education and Sport and Grade II in Industrial Technology (Electrical).

Kadeema achieved Mastery in CCSLC English, French and Mathematics, and Grade I in CSEC® Theatre Arts and Physical Education and Sport.

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