Let’s Talk videos

The Let’s Talk programme, which features short interviews with critical stakeholders continues to grow in popularity. During the year under review, 12 programmes were produced featuring a variety of topics and stakeholders.

See links to some of the video:


Caribbean Examiner magazine

Two issues of the Caribbean Examiner magazine were published and distributed. The May issue focused on CXC’s contribution to the Caribbean, while the October issue looked at CXC Digital Eco-System.


Monthly Communications Bulletin

The monthly communications bulletin was issued each month in the year under review. This year, most of the bulletin featured a video introduction that was produced in-house. The video introduction has resulted in greater engagement of stakeholders.

See links to video introductions:


Region Talk

CXC was able to utilise UWITV’s programme Region Talk for two programmes. The first dealt with Managing School Based Assessment, and the other focused on History in secondary schools. See links to Region Talk programmes below:


Live streaming

All major activities were live streamed during the year. This included the launch of the CXC Customer Service Charter, the officially release May/June 2018 examinations results in Grenada, and 90 per cent of Let’s Talk programmes.

Link to release of results in Grenada: https://www.facebook.com/mtvnewsgd/videos/1411199129024513/

Link to release of CXC Customer Service Charter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1NWg_ZQAR4&t=20s


Several webinars were hosted and facilitated. In addition to Webinar on CCSLC and examinations preparation, webinars were hosted in e-marking and a series of webinars were hosted in association with ACCA for business subjects.

See the links to webinars:


School Visits

Visits were made to schools in Barbados and Jamaica at which presentations were made on various topics including CAPE, SBA, Career Planning and subject selection, and CCSLC.

Annual Report

The CXC Annual Report was compiled and published in time for the annual Council Meeting in December in St Vincent and the Grenadines. 

The annual Report can be viewed at this address: https://www.CXC.org/category/annual-reports/

Caribbean Examinations Council © 2018. Copyright protected and may not be reproduced without written consent. The CXC “logo”, Caribbean Examinations Council®, Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination®, Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate®, Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence®, Caribbean Vocational Qualification®, CXC®, CSEC®, CAPE®, CCSLC® and CVQ® are registered trade marks of the Caribbean Examinations Council. They may only be used in accordance with established usage guidelines as outlined in the Council’s Intellectual Property Policy. The Council reserves the right to object to unfair uses, infringements, unauthorised use or other violations of its intellectual property rights.