The Review Committee at its meeting held in April 2018, revised the Rationale and Aims to reflect the twenty-first century skills, attributes of the Ideal Caribbean Person, the UNESCO Pillars of Learning and other areas for consideration based on the political, philosophical and psychological considerations for syllabus development. The General Objectives for all Modules were reviewed and refined to better reflect the Specific Objectives and Content. The Specific Objectives and Content were clarified to ensure that the breadth and depth to which the knowledge and skills in each Module should be covered was clear. Some Specific Objectives and Content were reorganized into a logical teaching sequence. New Content was also added Specific Objectives for the related Content to make the syllabus more user friendly and to better align the Specific Objectives and the Content.  Unit 2, Module 1 was renamed Design and Graphic Arts by the Review Committee. The Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities were revised to help teachers cater to the different learning styles, and to encourage the development of the practical and twenty-first century skills. New resources were also added to the Syllabus.

The Format and Structure of the Examination was revised as per the Council’s Assessment Policy to reflect Paper 01, Multiple-Choice Paper, Paper 02, Production Paper and Paper 03, the School-Based Assessment for both Units 1 and Unit 2.  The School-Based Assessment for Unit 2 is now aligned to selected units from the Level 2 Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ*) in Printing and Graphic Arts – Computer Graphic Arts, Leather Goods Manufacturing, Jewellery Production and Masquerade Design. Consequently, once all requirements for issuing the CVQ are met every student with acceptable grades will receive a Statement of Competence to recognise their competencies in selected units.  The decisions to award competencies will be based on the quality and relevance of the pieces of evidence presented for the occupational area. 

The draft syllabus was submitted to the October 2018 meeting of SUBSEC requesting approval to complete the revision of the syllabus.  A Panel meeting will be convened in March 2019 to complete the revision of the syllabus. The final draft of the syllabus along with the Specimen Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be submitted to SUBSEC in October 2019, for approval. The approved syllabus and copies of the specimen examination papers, keys and mark schemes will be distributed to schools in May–June 2019, for first examination in May–June 2021.


The Review Committee at its meeting held in March 2018, revised the Rationale and Aims to reflect the twenty-first century skills, STEM principles, attributes of the Ideal Caribbean Person, UNESCO Pillars of Learning and other areas for consideration based on the political, philosophical and psychological considerations for syllabus development. The introductory paragraph that is in the Rationale for all the revised or newly developed Mathematics syllabuses was added. This paragraph focuses on the utilitarian, application, intellectual development, aesthetics and epistemological reasons for teaching the subject. The General Objectives for all Modules were reviewed and refined to better reflect the Specific Objectives and Content. The Specific Objectives and Content were clarified to ensure that the breadth and depth to which the knowledge and skills in each Module should be covered was clear. Some Specific Objectives and Content were rearranged into a more logical teaching sequence. A column was included alongside the Specific Objectives for the related Content to make the syllabus more user friendly and to better align the Specific Objectives and the Content. Review Committee revised the Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities to help teachers cater to the different learning styles, to encourage the development of the practical and twenty-first century skills, and to allow for greater infusion of technology in the implementation of the syllabus. The list of Resources were also revised.

The draft syllabus was submitted to the October 2018 meeting of SUBSEC requesting approval to complete the revision of the syllabus


The Review Committee met in November 2017, and revised all aspects of the CAPE® Computer Science Syllabus. The Committee analyzed teachers’ comments and concerns as expressed in questionnaires and reports, evaluated candidates’ performance in the examinations and proposed amendments to the syllabus and examinations in light of their performance; and amendments to the syllabuses in light of these comments and concerns and policy requirements. The Review committee recommended that the Panel considered the revision of the Rationale, Aims, General Objectives and Specific Objectives. They recommended the inclusion of more current and relevant content areas such as cloud storage, cybersecurity and computer misuse, and different programming languages, including those that allow for object-oriented programming as well as application for mobile devices. They also suggested a revision of Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities in each Module of the syllabus to help teachers better cater to diversity among learners and to stimulate and maintain interest in the subject area. Additionally, the Committee recommended the revision of the requirements for the SBA and associated assessment instruments to ensure that group work is accepted; essential skills are being assessed as well as the development of a Paper 032 for each Unit, and Revision of the List of Resources to include current print and electronic sources. The revised syllabus was disseminated to subject specialists and a sample of teachers and the responses were analyzed and used to inform the finalizing of the Syllabus at the Panel which was held in October 2018. The Panel revised all the components of the CAPE® Computer Science Syllabus such as the Rationale, to ensure that it was compliant with the Policy, philosophical, political and psychological principles embraced by the Council, the Aims and General Objectives to ensure alignment with the focus of the Rationale, the Specific Objectives and Content to ensure they appropriately delineated the breadth and depth of content coverage for each Module, and that the content was current and relevant. The Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities were also revised to improve the quality of guidance provided for teachers as well as to ensure that they catered to the divergent needs of the learners.

The final draft of the syllabuses along with the Specimen Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be submitted to SUBSEC in April 2019, requesting approval to complete the revision of the syllabus.  If the request is approved the syllabus and copies of the Specimen Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be distributed to schools in September 2019, for first examination in May–June 2020.


The Review Committee met in April 2018, to review the CAPE Digital Media Syllabus to more effectively reflect the theoretical and philosophical perspectives which the Council promotes. Particular attention was given to the gaps identified in the Rationale and to reinforce the importance of ensuring that the other elements in the syllabus reflected a stronger alignment to the claims articulated in the Rationale. The following changes were made to the Rationale:

  •  The CAPE® Digital Media course will facilitate the development of critical thinking skills, foster communication skills and creativity, encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, provide opportunities for students to integrate their experiences and application of science and technology to solve problems and inculcate a sense of value in students for their own work and respect and regard for the work of others. The syllabus will also equip students for further studies and for the world of work.
  • The syllabus will foster the development of multiple literacies and will also help students to develop intellectually and refine their judgments.
  • Through the use of learner-centred teaching and assessment approaches, students are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of experiences and skills in the areas of digital media conceptualization, innovation, design and development.

The Committee also analyzed comments and concerns as expressed in questionnaires and subject specialists reports in interviews, evaluated candidates’ performance in the examinations and recommended syllabus amendments in light of these comments and concerns. Consequently, changes were made to Aims and General Objectives. These were designed to better support the scope of the Module. Specific Objectives were also revised, reordered or developed to for better alignment with the Aims and General Objectives and the enhance the scope of the content.  For example, Specific Objective 9, describe types of digital media businesses was revised to read evaluate the impact of digital media on businesses and organizations, and supporting Content added. Some of the new topics that were added to the syllabus include Cloud Base Computing, Social Media, Ethics, Copyright, Ethical considerations, and Budgeting. The Panel also revised the requirements of the School-Based Assessment (SBA) and the associated assessment instruments and developed a Paper 032, the Alternative to the SBA, which will assess similar skills assessed by the Paper 031. The related mark schemes were also revised to ensure increased construct validity and inter-rater reliability. The draft syllabus containing the proposed amendments was sent to subject specialists and a sample of teachers of the subject in Participating Territories for their comments. Their responses were analyzed and used at a Panel Meeting to finalize the syllabus in August 2018. The finalized syllabus will be submitted to SUBSEC for approval in April 2019. If approval is granted the approved syllabus and copies of the Specimen Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be distributed to schools in September 2019, for first examination in May–June 2020.


The Review Committee met November and December 2017. The Committee analyzed teachers’ comments and concerns as expressed in questionnaires and reports, evaluated candidates’ performance in the examinations and proposed amendments to the syllabus and examinations in light of their performance, and amendments to the syllabuses in light of these comments and concerns and policy requirements.  The Committee recommended that the Panel revised all aspects of the Syllabus including refining and reorganizing the Rationale and the General and Specific Objectives to ensure that the knowledge, attitudes and competencies that students are required to develop were sufficiently covered. The committee revisited and reorganized the Content to ensure clarity, currency and relevance as well as to ensure a more coherent approach to organizing the syllabus. The committee also updated the list of resources in the syllabus to ensure currency and relevance and refined the Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities to enhance the implementation of the syllabus.

The following Aims were added to the Syllabus:

10. develop creative, collaborative, communicative and critical thinking skills using appropriate Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs); and,

11.  prepare students for tertiary level studies and employment in technology-oriented professions

SUBSEC was asked to consider the proposals of the Review Committee for revising the CAPE® Information Technology Syllabus. The draft syllabus containing these proposed amendments was sent to subject specialists and a sample of teachers of the subject in Participating Territories for their comments. The responses were analyzed and used at a Panel meeting convened to finalize the syllabus in October 2018.

The Panel revised the components of the CAPE® Information Technology Syllabus in keeping with the recommendations from the Review Committee and feedback from Subject Matter Specialists and teachers. Additionally, the Panel revised the Paper 02 examination structure and the School-Based Assessment guidelines to conform to the Council’s Assessment Policy.  The word limit for CAPE®, which is 1500 words and group work were also included. The final draft of the syllabus along with the Specimen Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be submitted to SUBSEC in April 2019 for approval.  If the approval is granted, the approved syllabus and copies of the Specimen Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be distributed to schools in September 2019, for first examination in May–June 2020.


The Review Committee at its meeting held in March 2018, revised the Rationale and Aims to reflect the twenty-first century skills, STEM principles, attributes of the Ideal Caribbean Person, UNESCO Pillars of Learning and other areas for consideration based on the political, philosophical and psychological considerations for syllabus development. The introductory paragraph that is in the Rationale for all the revised or newly developed Mathematics syllabuses was added. This paragraph focuses on the utilitarian, application, intellectual development, aesthetics and epistemological reasons for teaching the subject. The General Objectives for all Modules were reviewed and refined to better reflect the Specific Objectives and Content. The Specific Objectives and Content were clarified to ensure that the breadth and depth to which the knowledge and skills in each Module should be covered was clear. Some Specific Objectives and Content were rearranged into a logical teaching sequence. A column was included alongside the Specific Objectives for the related Content to make the syllabus more user friendly and to better align the Specific Objectives and the Content. The Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities were revised to help teachers cater to the different learning styles, to encourage the development of the practical and twenty-first century skills, and to allow for greater infusion of technology in the implementation of the syllabus. The Review Committee revised the format of Paper 031, the School-Based Assessment to include a theory-based or experimental-based project in an effort to reduce the gap between the theory and practice, and to promote the development of the twenty-first century skills and STEM principles. The list of Resources were also revised.

The draft syllabus was submitted to the October 2018 meeting of SUBSEC requesting approval to complete the revision of the syllabus. 



At its meeting of April 2018, SUBSEC received the Concept Paper for the development of a CAPE® syllabus in Biotechnology. The meeting of Working Committee for Biotechnology was held in August 2018. The first Panel meeting was held in in September 2018 to develop the first draft of the syllabus. First draft of the syllabus was circulated to resource persons for comments. A second Panel meeting was held in November 2018 to refine the syllabus document and develop the specimen examination papers, keys and mark schemes. The first draft of the syllabus along with specimen examination papers, keys and mark schemes will be submitted to SUBSEC in April 2019, requesting approval to complete the development of the syllabus. If approval is granted. the draft syllabus will be sent to resource persons and other stakeholders for comments. Subsequent to this, a Panel meeting will be convened in June 2019 to complete the development of the syllabus. The final draft of the syllabus along with Specimen Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be submitted to SUBSEC in October 2019, for approval. If approved the syllabus and copies of the Specimen Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be released to schools in May–June 2020, for first examination in May–June 2021.


At its meeting of October 2016, SUBSEC received the Concept Paper for the development of a CAPE® syllabus in Design and Technology. SUBSEC noted the Concept Paper and endorsed the development of the CAPE® Design and Technology Syllabus. A Working Group was constituted to advise the Subject Panel for Design and Technology, which was approved by the Chairman in July 2018, on the way forward for the CAPE® Design and Technology Syllabus. The Working Committee in its meeting held December 2017 deliberated on the content with respect to the scope and sequence of the proposed syllabus. The discussion surrounded the best way to balance the requirements as it relates to prototyping, the engineering design process, the design process, the creation of commercialization opportunities, and the instructional and assessment approaches being proposed in light of the operational context in many schools.  The members of the Working Committee also discussed the requirements of tertiary level institutions for matriculation, as well as industry needs, and recommended that the content proposed in the Concept Paper be accepted.  A meeting of the Panel was held in September 2018 to develop the first draft of the syllabus which was submitted to SUBSEC in October 2018, requesting approval to complete the development of the syllabus. The draft syllabus was sent to subject specialists and a sample of teachers of allied subject areas in each Participating Territory for their comments. The responses were analyzed and used at a Panel meeting held in November 2018 to finalize the syllabus.  The final draft of the syllabus along with Specimen Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be submitted to SUBSEC in April 2019 for approval.  If approved the syllabus and copies of the Specimen Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be released to schools in May–June 2019, for teaching in September 2019 and for first examination in May–June 2020.

Caribbean Examinations Council © 2018. Copyright protected and may not be reproduced without written consent. The CXC “logo”, Caribbean Examinations Council®, Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination®, Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate®, Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence®, Caribbean Vocational Qualification®, CXC®, CSEC®, CAPE®, CCSLC® and CVQ® are registered trade marks of the Caribbean Examinations Council. They may only be used in accordance with established usage guidelines as outlined in the Council’s Intellectual Property Policy. The Council reserves the right to object to unfair uses, infringements, unauthorised use or other violations of its intellectual property rights.