At its meeting held in October 2016, SUBSEC received the Concept Paper for the Development of the CCSLC® Digital Literacy syllabus. Permission was granted and a Working Committee was approved. The Working Committee meeting to facilitate the process was held in November to December 2017. The Working Committee recommended changes to the suggestions in the Concept Paper which included renaming some of the Modules, revising aspects of the Rationale to facilitate better alignment with the beliefs of the Council and revising all other components of the document developed by the Working Committee for better alignment and to better respond to the needs of the target group. Additionally, the Assessment component was outlined. The first Panel meeting was held 11–14 September to develop the first draft of the Syllabus, to refine the framework for the assessment component as proposed by the Working Committee, and to develop the assessment for the syllabus. The Draft Syllabus was submitted to SUBSEC for approval in October 2018. The first draft was then circulated to subject specialists and a sample of teachers for feedback. A second Panel Meeting was held in November 2018, to refine the draft syllabus guided by the responses from the subject matter specialists and teachers, and in keeping with the requirements of the Council as well as to refine the assessment component. The first draft of the syllabus along with Specimen Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be submitted to SUBSEC for approval to complete the development of the syllabus in April 2019. Contingent on this approval the final draft of the syllabus and copies of the Specimen Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be distributed to schools in September 2019, for first examination in May–June 2021.

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