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ACCOUNTING In Unit 2, 79 per cent of the candidates achieved Grades I-V in 2014 compared with 80 per cent in 2013. There was a 4 per cent decline in performance on both Module 1, Costing Principles, and Module 3, Planning and Decision Making, for Unit 2 in 2014 in comparison to 2013. Candidates’ performance in the School Based Assessment for the two Units remained favourable. APPLIED MATHEMATICS In Unit 2, 93 per cent of the candidates achieved Grades I-V, compared with 92 per cent in 2013. The standard of work displayed by most candidates in this examination was satisfactory. Candidates performed satisfactorily in Module 1, Discrete Mathematics, and Module 2, Probability Distributions. The performance on the School Based Assessment was satisfactory for both Units. ART AND DESIGN In Unit 2, 99 per cent of the candidates achieved Grades I-V compared with 100 per cent in 2013. The standard of work submitted for the examination and the internal assessment has seen marked improvement compared with the previous year. For the School Based Assessment component some of the projects submitted in both Units 1 and 2 were very creative. However, the production pieces were generally not of the standard of the previous year. BIOLOGY CARIBBEAN STUDIES There was an improved performance on Module 3, Issues in the Caribbean, while the performance on Module 1, Caribbean Society and Culture, was consistent with that of 2013. There was a decline in the performance on Module 2 which assesses candidates’ knowledge of issues in Caribbean development. The quality and overall presentation of the research papers for the School Based Assessment component of the examination was satisfactory. However, candidates continued to encounter challenges with important skills that are essential to the research process. CHEMISTRY The performance on Unit 2 was stronger than Unit 1. The proportion of candidates achieving Grade I increased to 39 per cent in 2014 from 27 per cent in 2013. The proportion achieving Grades I-V increased to 96 per cent in 2014 from 93 per cent in 2013. Some weaknesses persisted from 2013. Several candidates seemed to have difficulty using the appropriate technical language in their responses to questions, demonstrating a weak grasp of concepts and principles. Too many candidates performed unsatisfactorily on questions which focused on experimental skills and experiences required by the syllabus. The planning and design skill continued to present challenges to several candidates. Candidates and teachers are urged to use the school based assessment and laboratory exercises as a teaching tool to reinforce, illustrate or clarify theoretical concepts. COMMUNICATION STUDIES The performance on Module 1, Gathering and Processing Information and Module 3, Speaking and Writing, was consistent with 2013. However, there was a moderate decline on the performance for Module 2, Language and Community. The quality of work produced in the School-Based Assessment continues to be satisfactory. COMPUTER SCIENCE The performance of candidates on the Paper 03, the School Based Assessment was consistent with that of 2013. DIGITAL MEDIA Sixty-one candidates wrote the Unit 1 examination. All of the candidates achieved acceptable Grades I-IV producing work of a very high standard. Nine candidates wrote the Unit 2 examination. All of the candidates achieved Grades I-III. The performance of candidates in the School Based Assessment component was satisfactory and some of the projects submitted in both Units were very creative. ECONOMICS In Unit 2, performance of candidates in 2014 was consistent with 2013. Eighty-seven per cent of the candidates achieved Grades I-V in both 2014 and 2013. There was consistent performance on Paper 01, the Multiple Choice Paper, while there was a decline in performance on all other papers. Improved performance was noted in Module 1, Models of Macro-economy, while performance on Module 2, Macro-economic Problems and Policies, and Module 3, Growth, Sustainable Development and Global Relations, declined from 2013. ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY Candidate performance on Module 1, DC Circuit Theory, was consistent with 2013 while the performance on Module 2, Analogue Electronics, and Module 3, Communications and Introduction to Electrical Power Systems, declined compared with the 2013 performance. Eighty-one per cent of candidates who wrote the Unit 2 examination in 2014 achieved Grades I – V compared with 85 per cent in 2013. This slight decline in performance was mainly due to a decline in performance on Paper 01, the structured paper. Candidate performance on Paper 02, the structured paper, was comparable with that of 2013. Performance in Paper 03, the School Based Assessment, was comparable with that of 2013. Candidate performance on Module 1, AC Circuit Theory, declined compared with the 2013 performance. Performance on Module 2, Digital Electronics and Data Communications, and Module 3, Introduction to AC Machines, improved compared with that of 2013. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE In Unit 2, 97 per cent of the candidates achieved Grades I–V compared with 93 per cent in 2013. Candidates performed best on Module 1, Agriculture and the Environment, while Module 3, Pollution and the Environment, proved the most challenging. The overall quality of the School Based Assessment continues to show improvement. FOOD AND NUTRITION In Unit 2, overall performance was similar to that of 2013 with 99 per cent of candidates earning Grades I–V. The performance on all Modules was consistent with the performance in 2013. FRENCH There was generally comparable performance on all papers, with improvement in Paper 02 in both Units. Grammar, general vocabulary and essay writing skills posed the greatest challenge to candidates. GEOGRAPHY The areas relating to the physical aspects of the syllabus continued to pose challenges for several candidates. These include Hydrological, Fluvial, Coastal, and Limestone Environments (Module 2 of Unit 1) and Climate, Vegetation and Soils (Module 1 of Unit 2). However, some improvement was evident in the performance on questions relating to the newer topics of the syllabus, particularly Development and Disparities in Development - Module 3 of Unit 2 The performance on the School Based Assessment was still below the standard expected. Greater attention must be paid to field activities and the analysis of the data collected. GEOMETRICAL MECHANICAL Eighty-six per cent of candidates who wrote the Unit 2 examination in 2014 achieved Grades I – V compared with 77 per cent in 2013. This improved performance was mainly due to improved performance on Paper 02, the structured paper. Candidate performance on Paper 01, declined compared with candidate performance in 2013. Performance on Paper 03, the School Based Assessment, was comparable with 2013. In terms of performance on modules, candidate performance on Module 1, Mechanics of Machines, was marginally below the 2013 performance. Candidate performance on Module 2, Engineering Materials and Process, improved substantially compared with the 2013 performance. Performance on Module 3, Engineering Design Elements, declined compared with the 2013 performance. HISTORY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY For Unit 2 there was an improved performance overall with 95 per cent of the candidates achieving acceptable grades in 2014 compared with 88 per cent in 2013. As in Unit 1, there was an improved performance on Module 2, Use of Information technology Tools and Module 3, Social, Organizational and Personal Issues. LAW As with Unit 1, the performance on Unit 2 for 2014 was consistent with 2013. Approximately 84 per cent of candidates achieved Grades I-V in both years. The percentage of candidates achieving Grades A-E on Module 1, Tort, remained consistent at approximately 90 per cent, the performance on Module 2, Law of Contract, declined and for Module 3, Real Property, there was an increase. LITERATURES IN ENGLISH The performance in Unit 2 was similar to that of Unit 1. Overall performance in 2014 was fairly consistent with that of 2013. Ninety-four per cent of the candidates achieved Grades I-V compared with 96 per cent in 2013. Performance in Module 1, Drama, Module 2, Poetry and Module 3, Prose Fiction in 2014 was also fairly consistent compared with that of 2013. Many candidates demonstrated some improvement in the organization of their essays but the level of analysis demonstrated was not at the level required for CAPE. MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS PHYSICS For the 2014 Unit 2 examination, 21 per cent of candidates achieved Grade 1 compared with 27 per cent in 2013. Ninety-six per cent achieved satisfactory grades in 2014 compared with 93 per cent in 2013. Although there was some improvement in the performance of candidates on Paper 02 for both units, the performance was still below what was expected. For Unit 1, improved performance was noted on Module 2, Oscillation and Waves. However, several candidates had challenges with Module 3, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Matter. For Unit 2, candidates performed best on Module 1, Electricity and Magnetism. Too many candidates continued to experience challenges with Module 2, Alternating Current Theory and Electronics. For each unit, the performance on Paper 032, Alternative to the School Based Assessment (SBA), was satisfactory and consistent across both years. The performance on the SBA was satisfactory. PURE MATHEMATICS In Unit 2, there was an improved performance overall. Approximately 85 per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable grades compared with 81 per cent in 2013. There was a decline in performance on Module 1, Complex Numbers and Calculus II, while there was an improved performance on Module 2, Sequences, Series and Approximations and Module 3, Counting, Matrices and Differential Equations. While the performance on Paper 01, the Multiple Choice Paper, was consistent with 2013 there was an improved performance on Paper 02, the Extended Response Paper. SOCIOLOGY In Unit 2, candidates’ performance in 2014 was consistent with that of 2013 with approximately 95 per cent of the candidates achieving Grades I–V in both years. Consistent performance was also noted on Paper 01, the Multiple Choice, and Paper 02, the Essay. A marked improvement in candidate performance was seen on Paper 031, the School Based Assessment, and Paper 032, the Alternative to the School-Based Assessment. While there was consistency in candidates’ performance on Module 1, Population and Development, and Module 3, Caribbean Social Issues: Poverty, Health and Environment, there was a slight decline in performance on Module 2, Crime and Deviance, compared with 2013. Despite the consistency in the level of candidate responses, candidate performance in Grades I–III indicates a need for more emphasis to be placed on the application of sociological concepts and theories to the topics across both units. This application should extend as well into candidates’ essay writing strategies. SPANISH There was a decline in the performance on Paper 01, which assessed the aural skills. The performance on Paper 02, which assessed the reading and writing skills was comparable with 2013. There was a slight improvement in candidates’ performance on Paper 03 which assessed the literary skills and a marked improvement on Paper 04, the School-Based Assessment. In Unit 2, the performance of candidates was consistent with 2013 with 93 per cent of the candidates achieving Grades I–V in both years. There was improvement in the performance on Paper 01, which assessed the aural skills, as well as on Paper 03 which assessed the literary skills. The performance on Paper 02, which assessed the reading and writing skills, declined slightly when compared with 2013. As in Unit 1, there was a marked improvement in the candidates’ performance on Paper 04, the School-Based Assessment. |