Archives and Records Management

  • Electronic Mail Database: The enhanced electronic mail database was created by ISD to provide greater tracking of the mail and prevent duplication of logging incoming and outgoing mail. ARMU provided some feedback during the review and redevelopment of this database.

  • Development and implementation of Records HelpDesk: Requests for research, information and assistance are now managed appropriately and maximizes efficiencies.

  • Library Management Software (LMS): With support from ISD, ARMU was able to conduct testing of library management software in the search for an application for the new Documentation Centre. In the end the application which best suited the needs of CXC was a product by StarDyne Technologies. Final procurement of the L4U Library Management Software has been completed.

  • Migration of data: Bibliographic details of reference resources found in ARMU’s secondary location have been migrated to the LMS.

Process Documentation for ARMU have been reviewed, revised and reformatted. These include

  • RIM Policy, RIM Manual, RIM Standard, RIM Process Maps and relevant corresponding RIM Forms.

  • Library Management (LIB) Policy, LIB Manual, LIB Standard, LIB Process Maps and relevant LIB Forms.

  • Final approval and sign off on all documentation has been completed. All original records have been logged with the Document Control Coordinator in ARMU.


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