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Cost Containment

The Finance and Office Management Division continue to provide financial direction to the organisation to ensure that the strategic objects are achieved. With little growth in the candidate and subject entries and decreases in some areas, the focus has been on expense management and improving processes to create greater efficiencies.

One of the areas of expense management has been cost containment which will be achieved through rigours review of existing processes. As the method of doing business change there is a need to adapt existing process to the new programs to ensure efficiencies are realised. Compliance with procurement guidelines and ensuring that the best price is obtained for items of expenditure continue to be critical along with a review of major cost drivers.

The reporting timelines have been shortened with the goal of providing accurate, relevant and timely financial information to enable sound decision making, and providing operational and logistical support to the wider organisation. The need to provide financial information on an on-going basis has become critical in an effort to contain costs. Greater emphasis has been on the management of the budget and reviews are done to ensure that there are no cost overruns. In areas where these could not be avoided, in-depth analysis performed to provide explanations and identify future corrective actions.

Past Paper Booklets (Macmillan)

The publishing contract for the publication and distribution of learning support material for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC®) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE®) was signed with Macmillan Publishers Limited on Tuesday 14th January 2014 at Alexandra Court, Brittons Cross Road, St Michael, Barbados.

The print distribution of CSEC Past Paper Booklets, 2011-2013, via bookstores throughout CXC Participating Territories, was made available in August 2014. The digital publication of CAPE Past Paper Booklets and CSEC and CAPE Syllabuses, Mark Schemes and Subject Reports, 2008-2013, will be distributed via, launched on Monday 8th September 2014.

The digital initiative provides an opportunity for a comprehensive print and digital solution for students working towards CXC examinations. It also has the potential to encourage the development of even more creative digital content around the Caribbean.

Study Guide Publications (Nelson Thornes): The five-year publishing agreement with Nelson Thornes Publishers (now part of Oxford University Press) for the publication of CSEC and CAPE Study Guides and CCSLC resource materials has to-date produced 44 titles. Sixteen titles including eight TVET titles are to be published prior to the end of the agreement in April 2015.

CXC and Nelson Thornes have commenced discussions for the extension of the relationship and formal renewal of the April 26th 2010, five-year contract for the development of educational resources for CCSLC, CAPE and CSEC.


The self-publishing series of the Caribbean Examinations Council is a unique and invaluable collection of manuscripts which provide insight into the organisation’s development, transformation and impact on the member states of CARICOM, and the Caribbean region as a whole. The series is a chronological appreciation of the 40 year history of the first regional examination body, highlighting the foundational activities and strategies undertaken by the organisation to achieve its mission, vision and goals.

The first books of the series, The History of CXC – 1973-2013, the Did you know historical factoids of CXC and The Commemorative Compilation of Top Short Stories from the Caribbean Education Secondary Certificate (CSEC) English A Examination, 2002-2012, allow the reader to see the staff behind the examinations, physical locations of the Council, the transition from residential marking to e-marking and the impact of the CXC examination suite on the lives of its students.

The books of the Series will be available through as e-books and for hard copy publishing. It is anticipated that the launch of the publication will take place in December, 2014.


Caribbean Examinations Council © 2011. Copyright protected and may not be reproduced without written consent. The CXC “logo”, Caribbean Examinations Council®, Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination®, Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate®, Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence®, Caribbean Vocational Qualification®, CXC®, CSEC®, CAPE®, CCSLC® and CVQ® are registered trade marks of the Caribbean Examinations Council. They may only be used in accordance with established usage guidelines as outlined in the Council’s Intellectual Property Policy. The Council reserves the right to object to unfair uses, infringements, unauthorised use or other violations of its intellectual property rights.