The diversification of the products and services of the Caribbean Examinations Council requires a corporate identity which reinforces the organisation’s breadth of offerings to the Caribbean and the wider world.

The Corporate Rebranding of CXC will entail the development of a regional marketing campaign, the re-development of the existing CXC website and the roll-out and management of a refined CXC brand.

The Rebranding exercise will ensure an integrated marketing communications approach that is positively experienced by our stakeholders.

Caribbean Examinations Council © 2011. Copyright protected and may not be reproduced without written consent. The CXC “logo”, Caribbean Examinations Council®, Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination®, Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate®, Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence®, Caribbean Vocational Qualification®, CXC®, CSEC®, CAPE®, CCSLC® and CVQ® are registered trade marks of the Caribbean Examinations Council. They may only be used in accordance with established usage guidelines as outlined in the Council’s Intellectual Property Policy. The Council reserves the right to object to unfair uses, infringements, unauthorised use or other violations of its intellectual property rights.