Information Systems Division

In keeping with the strategic agenda, led by Andre Blair in April, the Division supported the Council’s march to e-Testing with the electronic delivery of Pre-tests. The exercise was used not only to validate internal operations, but also to gather invaluable data on the readiness of stakeholders for the transition from paper-based examinations. Advancing the adoption of new technologies, e-SBA was introduced on 1 June 2016, and, beyond the initial teething problems, worked relatively well. The e-SBA components were integrated seamlessly with the existing e-Marking and processing infrastructure and effectively reduced processing time.

The Information Systems Division (ISD) endeavoured to keep the infrastructure secure, reliable and highly available. Given the rapidly changing malware landscape and the crafty attack strategies, Team-ISD continued to focus on user awareness in addition to technical defence in-depth strategies. Unfortunately, the more connected we are, the more vulnerable we may become, and as such, ISD continued the emphasis on strengthening monitoring and response capability.

Like many other organisations, CXC expanded its use of Cloud computing in 2016. As we approach 2017, the expansion of cloud services will be continued, and work has started with technology partners to advance managed services for infrastructure scalability and disaster recovery. In 2017, we plan to use such services to strengthen operational efficiency and to support the cost reduction strategies. As we strategically adopt e-Authoring, expand e-SBA, deploy e-Testing and move to 100 per cent electronically marked scripts, Team-ISD will support CXC’s strategic objectives through the adoption and maintenance of optimal technology solutions.


During the first third of 2016 (January – April), the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) facilitated the work of the Office of the CARICOM Secretary General when it seconded Rodney Payne, Information Systems Manager, to the Change Management Office (CMO) in Georgetown, Guyana. In Mr Payne’s absence, Mr Andre Blair acted as Information Systems Manager and advanced the work of the Division.

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