


CXC hosted two webinars in May; one was held on Wednesday 4 May and dealt with preparing for CSEC Caribbean History examinations, while the other was held on Thursday 12 May and dealt with Science SBAs.

The Caribbean History Webinar was facilitated by Dr Rita Pemberton, while the Science SBA event was facilitated by Ms Allison Peart. Both webinars stimulated a lot of discussion among the participants and between some participants and the facilitators.

The month of June was a busy one for webinars as CXC prepares for the May/June marking exercise. Several webinars were hosted mainly for persons participating in the e-marking exercise. A webinar entitled “Introduction to E-Marking” was held on Saturday 11 June. Another webinar for all markers participating in the 2016 marking exercise was held on Monday 13 June. Over one thousand markers participated in this informative session. Webinars were also hosted on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 June. Saturday’s webinar entitled “English A Masterclass,” targeted English A markers, while Sunday’s event was an orientation for seed markers.

Webinars targeting Spanish markers were held on Wednesday 22 June and Friday 24 June.