CAPE Performing Arts Workshop at CARIFESTA

CAPE Performing Arts Workshop at CARIFESTA

CXC is once again collaborating with the Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination (EBCCI) at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus to host an event for the performing arts education community. As part of CARIFESTA XIII, a two-day workshop under the theme “Improving Pedagogical Strategies for Teachers of CAPE” will be hosted at the EBCCI.

The workshop runs on 24 and 25 August from 9:00 to 4:00 pm each day.

Facilitators are Dr Yvonne Weekes, Lecturer at EBCCI and a long-standing CXC resource person, Melanie Springer, Stefan Walcott, Suzanne Burke and Neila Ebanks.

For more information and registration, please send e-mail to


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